““I don’t know how anyone goes through prison without chaplaincy. You make us feel unjudged and feel like we can open up. I love these courses they are brilliant! I felt free to be myself. You understand that prison and being separated from family IS the punishment we don’t need more punishment. You literally scooped me up in my prison journey and carried me to the finishing line. Thank you!””
4 sessions
The 'Understanding Loss' course is specifically for women in prison who are 'stuck' in the grieving cycle and need help to move on.
Women in prison begin to face aspects of their loss, whatever that is for them and are able to talk about it.
One of the big barriers to dealing with any type of loss in prison is the inability to trust anyone that they might open up to for fear of appearing weak or vulnerable. Having a “safe” confidential space to talk with a small group of people that are going through the same thing, and beginning to look at their loss is extremely important in the process of moving forward.
The women begin to understand that there are common emotions that they might be feeling.
Prison can be a very isolating place and women in prison will hide their emotions if possible. Understanding that other people share the same emotional turmoil can be very reassuring and help them to find a little peace in what they are facing.
Women in prison begin to understand the concept of being “stuck” and how that can affect them and others around them.
Because prisoners are not able to go through the same processes or rituals of loss as those “outside”, such as attending funerals, talking easily to family members, discussing with someone who knows them well how they are feeling etc., they will often get stuck at a certain stage of their loss and not be able to move forward. Realising that they are stuck can often help with the process of getting unstuck.
The women understand they are on a journey and begin the process of “letting go”.
Knowing that you have begun a journey with help and with others creates an encouraging and supportive environment in which to address issues. Helping women to begin the letting go process in this environment opens up the possibility of change.
Attendees learn how to ask for support in their situation and are signposted to further courses or support groups if required.
We spend time talking about where they can get support should they need it in prison and on the outside. Help and support after the group ends is vital to the on-gong process of letting go and coping with loss. Addressing the issues around not wanting to appear vulnerable in prison or outside is a key to helping them ask for help in the future.
The women acquire tools they can use to help them in difficult times going forward.
Gaining tools to cope with sad days empowers them to walk out their healing process in a way that works for them as an individual. Listening to how others cope in prison with their loss is important to show them that they don’t have to go through their journey alone and that they can learn from others.
Feedback from the 'UNDERSTANDING LOSS' Course
“A really insightful course and gives invaluable tools to use.”
“I want to thank you hugely as this course has helped me immensely and given me a new found knowledge on loss that I think I really needed.”
“I learnt that guilt is very normal and that letting go and moving on is also ok.”
“This course has helped me greatly, making me think and accept my loss.”
“I found the course very helpful, it brought my emotions to the surface and I was able to talk about how I feel rather than suppressing them. I would highly recommend the course to others.”